Розглянуто актуальну формування здорового способу життя жінок І зрілого віку. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання засобів Fitness Boot Camp для формування здорового способу життя жінок І зрілого віку.
Рассмотрено актуальную проблему формирования здорового образа жизни женщин и зрелого возраста.
Обосновано целесообразность использования средств Fitness Boot Camp для формирования здорового образа жизни
женщин и зрелого возраста.
The actual formation of
a healthy way of life and means of mature age body combat. The negative trend of declining overall level of women's health
caused by many factors of socio-economic nature adverse the environment, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits spread. To achieve
positive changes in the health of women and adulthood by treatment impossible. In this regard, the actual process is a healthy
lifestyle that reduces the risk of developing diseases in general. Healthy lifestyle depends mainly on the person, but also the
state should create conditions for its formation, promotion and distribution. The main purpose of occupation is a Fitness Boot
Camp to force people to increase their physical capabilities, "jump above the head." Coach at Fitness Boot Camp gives no
commands and orders. Especially effective is the training for women and mature age who do not have the willpower, sustained
motivation to regular physical activity sessions. In addition, the system of classes Boot Camp can dramatically change the
behavioral characteristics of man, promotes self-organization, develops volitional qualities. BodyCombat - is intense and
vigorous aerobics workout with elements of kick-boxing and other martial arts. In the classroom especially used techniques of
karate, kickboxing. Systematic classes Fitness Boot Camp made significant changes in the lifestyle of women.