У статті висвітлена самостійна фізкультурно-оздоровча діяльність студентів педагогічних
спеціальностей в умовах природного середовища. Виділено шляхи підвищення у них внутрішньої потреби займатися
фізкультурно-оздоровчою діяльністю, як для особистісного розвитку, так і для професійної роботи.
В статье освещена самостоятельная физкультурно-оздоровительная деятельность студентов
педагогических специальностей в условиях природной среды. Выделены пути повышения в них внутренней
потребности заниматься физкультурно-оздоровительной деятельностью, как для личностного развития, так и
для профессиональной работы.
Physical education youth on modern
society must reflect new approaches to identity formation. Sports activities - a prerequisite harmoniy- tion of students, which
should be an important component of the daily activities of modern man, who is stepping into the third millennium. Physical
education intended to shape the students' respect for their health and physical fitness, develop a comprehensive physical and
mental qualities, to promote the creative use of physical culture in the organization of everyday activities. The teacher has an
important social function - provides spiritual, mental, physical development and education of the individual. His work is not only
aimed at organizing teaching and learning process, but also to organize extracurricular, recreational activities of students,
systematic problem solving forming an active stakeholder. This activity in physical education is crucial in solving problems and
achieving goals. Interestingly, the students understand the benefits of exercise, but unfortunately, their participation to this end
[2]. The study of pedagogical theory and practice of physical education in terms of environment in higher educational institutions
shows that in the task of attracting students to physical activity using environment there are a number of methodological
problems and practical. Contradictions between declarative and real attitude to sports and sports activities impact on the health,
physical development and the first training of students, their values, and attitudes to their own physical and mental well-being
[10]. The professional focus enables the development of practical classes and other educational function of teacher -
communicative. This function is implemented mainly during teaching practice during the class, but by this time it develops,
usually without the control of the teacher. Meanwhile develop social and communicative skills can become a self-learning
content. It offers a sequence of steps, which is due to the need to develop skills to apply the material content of the child and
predict future sessions.