У статті розглянуто форми і методи, що найбільш широко використовуються у Сполучених Штатах
Америки при підготовці бакалаврів галузі фізичного виховання і спорту. Охарактеризовано семінари першого року
навчання, семінари старших курсів навчання, стажування та інші форми практичного навчання студентів.
В статье рассмотрены формы и методы,
наиболее широко используемых в Соединенных Штатах Америки при подготовке бакалавров сферы физического
воспитания и спорта. Охарактеризованы семинары первого года обучения, семинары старших курсов обучения,
стажировки и другие формы практического обучения студентов.
The article reviews a number of forms and methods of professional study bachelors of physical education and sport in the United States: -First-year seminars, that have become a common approach adopted by
higher education institutions in their efforts to ease the transition to college for new students, and to systematically address
unacceptable rates of student attrition. The popularity of first-year seminars as a programmatic and curricular approach is
grounded in the fact that a credit-bearing course offers a traditional and appropriate structure through which orientation efforts
extend beyond the first week of classes. They also offer a way for student development and retention theories to be put into
practice, and they provide a logical structure for encouraging (and intrusively demanding) active student involvement in learning
and in the life and activities of the institution; for examining and discussing student/institutional fit; and for facilitating social and
academic integration. First-year seminars are thus designed to meet both institutional and student needs. - Capstone courses,
also known as senior seminars, offer undergraduate students nearing graduation the opportunity to summarize, evaluate, and
integrate some or all of their college experience. These courses are generally treated as academic major or core requirements,
most are at least one academic term in length, and most require a major project or presentation. Senior seminars and capstone
courses in higher education generally fall into one of five types. Varying goals, instructional strategies, and topics separate these
course types. - Internship is one of that facilitates three significant aspects of student development: personal, professional, and
civic. The internship is an opportunity for intellectual and emotional development that may be important for an internship but will
also be important in your life, whatever path you choose. The ability to look critically at information, as well as to think creatively,
and to look at issues from multiple viewpoints are essential abilities. So is the ability to communicate clearly both orally and in
writing. Solving problems and working in teams are abilities that will serve you at home, at work, and in the community.