Розглянуто актуальні проблеми мотивації слухачів ВВНЗ до занять фізичною підготовкою. Показано, що
врахування мотиваційних особливостей слухачів дає можливість позначити шляхи корекції фізичного стану та
сформувати інтерес до занять фізичними вправами, виконання яких найсприятливіше для їх здоров'я і фізичного
Рассмотрены актуальные проблемы мотивации слушателей ВВНЗ к
занятиям по физической подготовке. Показано, что учет мотивационных особенностей слушателей дает
возможность обозначить пути коррекции физического состояния и сформировать интерес к занятиям физическими
упражнениями, выполнение которых способствует укреплению их здоровья и физическому совершенствованию.
The article analyzes motivation problems for the physical training lessons of
the officer-students in the higher military educational establishment (HMEE). It demonstrates that the existing sources do not
regard systematic methods for the formation of the motivational and axiological attitude of the officer-students to the physical
training and sports with consideration of their physical readiness and military occupational specialty.In order to plan effectively
psychological and pedagogical influences on the officer-students’ motivation formation for the physical training and sports in the
HMEE, teachers should be aware of dynamics and dependence of the motivational and axiological attitudes on certain courses
(stages) of the military training, military specialization and the level of physical readiness. The results of questionnaires show
positive motivation of the officer-students to the physical training and sports in the HMEE. It depends on their desire to enhance
general physical readiness, work efficiency, moral and will qualities, health as well as to reduce rate of sicknesses, to get steeled
and slim. It shows that officer-students’ motivational peculiarities allow to identify the ways of correcting their physical state and
to form interest to the physical exercises, most favorable for their health and physical improvement. Practical implementation of
the research results help the teachers effectively conduct physical training of the officer students in HMEE and form their
comprehension of the necessity of physical exercises for the development of the required physical and special, moral and will
qualities contributing to the performing of their functions and professional tasks during their future military service.