У статті розкриваються критерії та показники компонентів готовності для дослідження ефективності
авторської методики підготовки майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури до формування морально-вольових якостей у
старшокласників. Виокремлено та обґрунтовано три рівні сформованості визначених показників: низький, середній,
В статье раскрываются критерии и
показатели компонентов готовности к исследованию эффективности авторской методики подготовки будущих
учителей физической культуры к формированию морально-волевых качеств у старшеклассников. Выделены и
обоснованы три уровня сформированности определенных показателей: низкий, средний, высокий.
The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and
practice has allowed to say that at the present stage of modernization of the educational sphere the problem of professional
training of future teacher for the various activities is very important. In the article for research of efficiency of author method with
preparation of future teacher of physical training to the formation moral and volitional qualities in senior pupils we selected and
analysed criterions and indicators of components of their readiness to this activity. Accordingly to the purpose of our study and
analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature we understand the criterions of efficiency of preparation future teachers of
physical training to the formation of moral and volitional qualities in senior pupils the aggregate of signs which characterize the
specific aspect of professional preparation. Accordingly indicators of measuring of efficiency of preparation of future teacher to
formation of moral and volitional qualities are quantitative and high-quality specifications of formation of signs which are studied
and measured. To carry out diagnostics of professional preparation of future teacher of physical training to the forming morally
volitional qualities to the senior pupils we believe is possible with defined structural components of readiness to this activity:
motivation, kognition, communication activity and value orientation. Moreover, the meanings of the components have been
revealed. The criteria motivation component is positive motivation, the need for the success of the task. The criteria for cognition
component is the possession of theoretical materials on the formation of moral and volitional qualities in senior pupils. The
criteria communication activity component is ownership culture of communication and the practical application of the material to a
specific problem. The criteria of value orientation component is awareness of the value orientations of the individual. Determined
and disclosed the levels of formation evaluation key components: low, medium, high. Identified the criteria, indicators and levels
of preparedness components can be used as a regulatory standards in preparation of the future teacher of physical training to
the formation moral and volitional qualities in senior pupils.