Автор рассматривает различные подходы учёных в рассмотрении компетентностного подхода в процессе подготовки современного учителя иностранного языка в условиях университета. В психолого-педагогическом ракурсе анализируется понимание разными научными школами трактовки компетентностного подхода в процессе подготовки будущего учителя иностранного языка.
The article presents an overview of the professional development of future teachers of foreign languages and deals with notions of competency approach in education as a new educational paradigm. A review of the recent scientific literature has shown that there are various approaches to the explanation of the core and content of the mentioned concept.
The article presents the analysis of existing definitions of competency approach and then puts forward some new definitions which are related to it in psycho-pedagogical aspects. The article considers the basic categories aimed to improve and optimize methodic ground of the foreign language teacher. Finally, in the article, it is clearly noticed that the definition of proficiency approach has been specified for the foreign language teacher and a new definition has been proposed.
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