У статті розкривається зміст і етапи корекційної роботи з дошкільниками, що заїкаються, показані методичні прийоми навчання диафрагмальному диханню, вдосконаленню тривалості і плавності вдиху, представлені рухливі, мовні і сюжетно-рольові ігри на заняттях з фізичного виховання.
В статье раскрывается содержание и этапы коррекционной работы с заикающимися дошкольниками, показаны методические приемы обучения диафрагмальному дыханию, совершенствованию продолжительности и плавности вдоха, представлены подвижные, речевые и сюжетно-ролевые игры на занятиях физического воспитания.
In the article maintenance and stages of correction work open up with stammering preschool children, the methodical receptions of teaching the diaphragmatic breathing are rotined, to perfection of duration and smoothness of exhalation, mobile-vocal and difficultly-role games at the lessons of the physical education are presented. Consolidation of language skills nonconvulsive carried out in free speech communication. Classes are built according to the program of physical education, any restrictions associated with the primary disease. Method of adaptive physical education for preschoolers with stuttering based on joint activities in physical education teacher, speech therapist and psychologist and allows approved and solve the task of preparing children with stuttering learning in the schools. It is a positive effect on physical fitness, coordination abilities, respiratory function, mental and personal development of the child, increases motor preparedness of children improves auditory and visual attention, memory, reduces anxiety, improves self-esteem, creates a positive "self-concept" and eliminates signs of movement disorders. It ontogenetic, anatomically, functionally related to the motor system. The movement disorder in the structure of speech dysfunction is seen as part of a leading defect. In this regard, body language, motor and psychomotor development - a complex process that requires participation and concerted actions of all professionals. Further research conducted and proved that adaptive physical education has huge potential for correction of speech, rehabilitation and physical condition of children. In the future, will be developed methodological approaches activation and correction of those functions that are directly or indirectly involved in speech activity.