В роботі розглядаються основні принципи розробки фонду кваліфікаційних завдань з розділу: спортивні ігри (волейбол) за кредитно-модульною технологією з дисципліни „Фізичне виховання”.
The article deals with the basic principles of the Development Fund of qualification tasks in the Sports Games (volleyball) section through the use of the credit module technology in the subject of “physical education”. In general, the programme includes material in volleyball during 7 terms and divides it in each year into two units: autumn-winter and spring-summer ones. The article provides examples of the qualification tasks of three classes (# 157, 158, 159) for the students of the third year of studying. Material in volleyball is used in accordance with the didactic principles of intelligibility, consistency and systematic character. The process of mastering the game of volleyball in the first year begins with the learning the technique of special running and jumping exercises, sports walking and long distance running. During the next years of studying material is getting more complicated, both as far as the coordination aspect is concerned, and in the intensity of the performance, including such technical elements, as passing the ball, accepting it, transfer of the ball for the attack, forward actions, the movement of the whole team. Special attention is paid to the achieving of training effect from the use of volleyball means for the improvement of the speed, movements of increased amplitude, speed-strength qualities, and development of general and specialized endurance. In the process of studying material in volleyball one of the dominant aspects is the use of this game for improving health, the forming of the students’ skills to make health improving programmers, to control their own body condition and the changes, which take place after playing volleyball.