Короткий опис(реферат):
У статті проаналізовано погляди науковців щодо формування образу (іміджу) освітянина-професіонала.
З’ясовано, що кожен період відрізняється особливостями науково-теоретичних уявлень, які тим чи іншим чином відображають зміст праці освітянина: погляди на шляхи формування системи знань та умінь у процесі його професійної діяльності, особистісні психофізіологічні якості педагога, що досліджувалися багатьма вченими в дисертаціях та монографіях, висвітлювалися через призму відповідних епох.
Показано історичну ретроспективу розвитку педагогічної думки в напрямку формування іміджу (іміджотворчих складових) освітянина. The article analyzes the educator professional image scientist’s views.
It was found that each period has different the scientific and theoretical ideas features that are in any way reflect the work educator content - the waives at a knowledge and skills system creating ways in his career, personal physiological quality of teachers that was surveyed by many scientists and dissertations books, illuminated throes the époques.
Historical retrospective of educational thought in the direction of image formation (image-maker’s components) educator was showed. The Scientists of the humanistic views of this époque was V.O. Sukhomlinsky. This outstanding teacher ideas and approaches were important for the pedagogical work and teacher training theory further development, although were not introduced into the teacher education practice during his teaching.
In Soviet times, the reform of training teachers were also certain property, to be exact – it’s the two alternative concepts development that demonstrate the theory of vocational teacher training problems, worked on those two temporarily established research teams. Both alternative concepts were positive reviews, underwent critical analysis by other researchers, since the implementation of certain provisions was possible only on paradigmatic changes condition in vocational teacher training approaches.