У статті розглядаються актуальні питання формування культури здоров’я студентської молоді.
Запропоновано критерії, показники і рівні сформованості культури здоров’я студентів спеціальної медичної групи.
Подаються результати формувального експерименту за визначеними критеріями. Зауважується на важливості
педагогічних умов формування культури здоров’я студентів спеціальної медичної групи.
В статье
рассматриваются актуальные вопросы формирования культуры здоровья студенческой молодежи. Предложены критерии,
показатели и уровни сформированности культуры здоровья студентов специальной медицинской группы. Представлены
результаты формирующего эксперимента по определенным критериям. Отмечается важность педагогических условий
формирования культуры здоровья студентов специальной медицинской группы.
The article deals with topical issues of formation of culture of
health of student’s youth. Observed trends to increase in Ukraine the number of students with disabilities in health able. Proposed the
concept of culture of health of students of special medical group. Defined criteria of formation of culture of health of students of special
medical group (cognitive, practical, behavioral and health state), its vitals and levels (high, medium, low). To each criterion the proposed
set of indicators, which are the benchmarks in determining the required volume of knowledge and skills in the context of the formation,
restoration, strengthening and saving their own health of students of special medical group in the spiritual, the mental and physical
aspects. Given the description and characteristics of the results the formative experiment according to certain criteria concerning the
state of formation of culture of health of students of special medical group. It is noticed that in the process of ascertaining experiment
differences between control and experimental groups was not significant. It is established that from the first to the fourth courses for each
of the presented criteria was observed the increase of differences in performance in favor of the experimental group. It is found that in the
control group, the number of students, which had high level of formation of culture of health, increased by only on 8 %, medium – on 32,4
%. In the experimental group the number of students, which have reached a high level of formation of culture of health, increased by
34,4 %, medium – on 36,7 %. Made accent on the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of formation of culture of health of students
of special medical group and effectiveness of their implementation in educational process on physical education.