В представленной работе исследуется формирование индивидуальной и групповой мотивации в условиях спортивной
тренировки. Мотивы содержатся в самом содержании планов тренировочного процесса.
У роботі
досліджується формування індивідуальної і групової мотивації в умовах спортивного тренування. Мотиви містяться в самому
змісті планів тренувального процесу.
A question of general motivation of
sportsmen’s’ behavior at learning and training process is early considered. Now we are considering a question connected with a difference
between the terms motive and motivation that is motivation connected with special sport activities.
The term motive is interpreted quite not exactly and term is applied for determining various phenomena. With the help of term
motive it is named instinctive impulses, biological manifestations, interests, desires, aspirations, aims, purposes; ideals etcetera.
At conditions of a modern sport training the role and meaning of human’s factor increases that is why we cannot take into account
regularities of a human’s behavior and a motivation which is connected with it.
One of the methods of sportsmen’s stimulation is an influence as a factor of approving and praise. Reward is also concerned to
them; reward is based on “fee” for attaining certain results. Variant of reward is reward with the help of certain actions. Moral and material
stimulations are concerned to this variant: rewarding orders; rewarding medals; rewarding deeds; money rewards for certain achievements;
fees; bonuses; for professional sportsmen there are opportunities to do business.