В роботі представлені результати дослідження із соціалізації студентів у Дніпропетровському державному інституті
фізичної культури і спорту в процесі вивчення іноземних мов. На основі отриманих даних була створена експериментальна
адаптивна модель рівнів сформованості іноземно-мовної комунікативної компетенції студентів-спортсменів.
В работе представлены результаты исследования по социализации
студентов в Днепропетровском государственном институте физической культуры и спорта в процессе изучение
иностранных языков. На основе полученных данных была создана экспериментальная адаптивная модель уровней
сформированности иностранно-речевой коммуникативной компетенции студентов-спортсменов.
The results of the survey of students’ socialization at Dnipropetrovsk State Physical Culture and Sport
Institute in the process of learning foreign languages are presented in the research. Based on the data an experimental adaptive model of
the levels of foreign-language communicative competence of students-athletes has been established. It is noted that the study of foreign
languages contributes to such areas of professional activity as familiarization with new technologies, scientific hypotheses and trends,
outstanding innovation in science, technology and sports; establishing contacts with foreign companies, enterprises, educational institutions;
raising the level of professional competence. That is the reason why modern education focuses on foreign language competence within
professional communication. It was emphasized that teaching student athletes to communicate in foreign language adapted under strict
methodological organization of teaching material, stating the principles of humanization can be used for the purpose of professional
socialization of students in higher educational establishments of an athletic type. We believe that scientific and methodical method of
learning foreign languages in sport is to be schematized and adapted to the social and professional communication. It is important to identify
the interest of student athletes in a particular language, and find the solution in real communication and important language contexts of the
country and abroad. We offer the organization of professionally oriented teaching methods and approaches, for example: complex tasks to
study a foreign language during sports training with the performance of certain movements, and fixing them using a foreign language. In
case of the implementation of the proposed system model of mastering foreign languages at an adaptive level in the practice of teaching
students and teachers will receive significant methodological assistance and effective leverage in ensuring the successful socialization of
students at the professional level and providing optimized training process at sports teaching universities. The research started to develop
key aspects of socialization of students in higher educational establishments of an athletic type in the study of foreign languages.
Continuation of research during the educational process and further analysis of scientific and methodical method of teaching foreign
languages in sport is assumed.