исследование относительно применения стретчинга в программе физической реабилитации мужчин 40-50 лет с
дегенеративно-дистрофическим поражением позвоночника в поясничном отделе на амбулаторном этапе.
Проведено дослідження щодо застосування стретчінгу в програмі фізичної реабілітації чоловіків 40-50 років з
дегенеративно-дистрофічним ураженням хребта у поперековому відділі на амбулаторному етапі.
Research is conducted in relation to application of
stretching the program of physical rehabilitation of men 40-50 years with a degenerative-dystrophic in the lumbar spine defeat at the
outpatient stage.
In recent years, the world's number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially with degenerative-dystrophic lesions of
lumbar spine increased significantly. According to medical statistics, 80% of the population suffers from degenerative-dystrophic lesions of
lumbar spine. Up to 10% of patients become disabled. The modern pace of life, heavy loads, inflammation and age-related changes provoke
their appearance
Diagnosis and treatment of this severe form of spinal injury the subject of many scientific publications of clinical, neurological and
radiological orientation however, drug therapy is not always effective. Therefore relevant is the study of means and methods, namely,
stretching in the physical rehabilitation of these patients.
One of new directions in treatment of degenerative-dystrophic defeats of backbone in a lumbar department there is the use of
stretching on the ambulatory stage.
Stretching has traditional classification of exercises on a stretch and additional system of classifications. Before traditional
classification two types of exercises belong: run-time (ballistic) and static types. Exercises on the stretch of run-time type are related to
implementation of rhythmic motions. For description of exercises of this kind use such terms as fasts, isotonic or kinetic exercises. Exercises
of static type foresee maintenance during set time of some position which can be repeated or not; they are named isometric, supervisory or
slow exercises on a stretch.
After analyzing the features of the application exercises by the method of stretching in patients with degenerative-dystrophic
lesions of lumbar spine in the outpatient recommended stretching various muscle groups, resulting in patients decrease pain, increase the
amplitude of movement of the spine, thereby strengthening the muscular system and improve the quality of life of patients.