У статті проаналізовано психолого-педагогічна література та інформація з мереж Інтернету щодо методологічних підходів до проблеми підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури. Зазначено, що такі методологічні підходи, як: системний, аксіологічний, адаптаційний, особистісно-орієнтований, особистісно-діяльнісний, контекстний та компетентнісний є вирішальними для наукового обґрунтування ефективної професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до використання рухливих і національних ігор у професійній діяльності.
The article analyzes psychological and pedagogical literature and information from networks on methodological approaches to the problem of preparation of future teachers of physical culture. Such methodological approaches as systematic, axiological, adaptational, personally-oriented, personally-activity, contextual and competent are crucial for the scientific substantiation of effective professional training for future teachers of physical training to use mobile and national games in professional activities, mentioned in article. We have identified systematic approach due to the fact that the process of student`s preparation has prolonged nature, it involves the gradual mastering of abilities of task`s realization, as well as learning and formation of skills in conducting national and movable games. Axiological approach was applied because it promotes professional activity as personally-significant values of future teachers of physical education, creating the need in mastering the knowledges in the professional activity’s value, skills in comparing professional values with the actual system of values and to convert existing attitude to professional activities in valuable one. For its development, adaptational approach requires creating of principles of systematization of national movable games, based on which the preliminary stage of preparation for using it in educational activities is carried out. Personally – oriented approach is associated with the construction of an education in which the conditions for developing of individuality of future teacher of physical culture are created. Personally – active approach permits to increase student`s motivation in mastering the discipline "Movable and national games with the methodological teaching" and provides a creative approach in solving educational problems in the classroom. Contextual approach is applied because it involves creating of pedagogical education in the context of real educational activity that allows to recreate different components of the professional environment and related requirements for the teacher`s individuality. Competency building approach is pointed out, because it defines the formation of personal and professional skills which ensure successful application of knowledge and skills in various areas of social practice and determines the need for constant self-development.