Проаналізовано управлінський апарат губернаторств Бессарабія, Буковина і Трансністрія, що їх утворили румунські загарбники на південно-західній території України 1941 р. і які протягом усього періоду окупації перебували під владою Румунії. розкрито функції адміністративних органів управління.
The article analyzes the administrative apparatus of the governorates Bessarabia, Bucovina and Transnistria, which were formed by Romanian invades in the south-western Ukraine in 1941 and throughout the period of occupation were ruled Romamia. Revealed function of governors of prefectures, praetorship, city halls which has been assigned administrative functions. Marked higher, middle and lower level management. In the administrative apparatus of the Governorate Transnistria played a significant role military structures that were independent of the civil administration gubrenatora. In turn control of the governorate Bucovina and Bessarabia fully obey the civil administrations. The control system of the gosernorates was aimed at total control and Romanization.