У статті проаналізовані результати тестування фізичної підготовленості та здоров'я студентів,
запропоновані шляхи вирішення проблеми збереження та зміцнення здоров'я тих, хто навчається.
Підкреслюється значущість фізичної культури та здоров'я студента.
The paper
analyzed the test results of physical fitness and health of students proposed solutions to the problem of preserving and
strengthening the health of students. Emphasized the importance of physical education and health student. The Law of
Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" noted "the main objectives of physical education and sport is a constant
increase in the level of health, physical and spiritual development of people, promoting economic and social progress of
society, as well as Ukraine's image in the international community." But the situation with a level of health and physical development in Ukraine is catastrophic. In recent years a large number of fixed tragic events in physical education
classes in schools, which led to lower standards, which are essential for the control of physical properties of the body of
a young student or student. Over the last decade, Ukraine has developed an alarming situation: deteriorated health and
physical fitness of students. This is primarily due to the crisis in the national system of physical training that does not
meet modern requirements and international standards of physical fitness person. The main crises are: impairment of
sport, lagging behind the current requirements of all levels of athletic training and retraining courses underestimation in
schools of social, recreational and educational role of sport; principle funding. Despite a strong enough legal basis of
physical education and sport, still a concern of the system of physical education, health and level of fitness of young
people. In modern conditions in Ukraine in a critical situation with the state of health of young people, the number of sick students.