Розглянуто проблему загальної і спеціальної фізичної підготовки в процесі багаторічного
спортивного удосконалення юних футболістів. Визначені особливості розвитку загальних і спеціальних
фізичних здібностей дітей віком від 8 до 13 років, які спеціалізуються у футболі на початкових етапах
спортивної підготовки, а також здійснений аналіз достовірності відповідних відзнак.
It is revealed that the peculiarities of the functioning of a modern multi-year
athletic training are determined by the gradual shift of the age-related norms for the selection in various sports. With the
greatest attention to sports games in connection with the specific priorities for the development of speed-strength and
coordination abilities, speed and speed-strength endurance. Consequently, increases the need for timely information on
the impact of systematic sports activity common dynamics of the sensitive periods. The data obtained that the results of
the study of age-related peculiarities of the development of physical abilities of young athletes help to lay the Foundation
for the development of scientifically sound long-term strategy training effects. In this case, the opportunity for the further
development of the ratio of the volume of physical activity of different directions and modelling of physical training, as
well as determining the content of the monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions at different
stages to improve sport players. Analysis of the obtained experimental data allowed us to determine that from 8-9 to 10-
11 and from 10-11 to 12-13 years the vast majority of results of physical training of young players have a statistically
significant positive changes. The exception is the only indicator triple jump in the first age group, which is not reliable
dynamics. The most significant changes at the initial stage, which corresponds to 8-9 years, was recorded performance
pull – 44,8%, maximum dynamometry – 30.2% test Cooper – 18,3%, which characterizes the priority development of
common physical abilities and conforms to the rules of construction of the beginning of the process of long-term athletic
development. In the following, a preliminary base stage, which corresponds to the age boundaries with 10-11 to 12-13
years, the situation changed and the greatest increase was at the rate of special physical preparedness – hit the ball on
the range, which characterizes the state of development of special ballistic strength of 22.3%. However, following in the
activity of development, still remain power capabilities, namely dynamic and max power is 15.5 and 14.7%, respectively.
Key words: kids, soccer, sports development, physical abilities.