Досліджено феномен кіберспорту як однієї з найбільш динамічних і перспективних галузей сучасної спортивної індустрії. Розглянуто особливості змагальної діяльності, що охоплюють колективну взаємодію, відсутність фізичного контакту та технічну залежність. Проаналізовано популярність кіберспортивних дисциплін. Встановлено певні тенденції розвитку кіберспорту. Проаналізовано кількісні показники, такі як кількість гравців, турнірів та переглядів, що дозволяє визначити найпопулярніші дисципліни (наприклад, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, Dota 2) та напрями їх розвитку. Виокремлено жанрове різноманіття, інтеграція технологій і залучення аудиторії через стримінгові платформи як ключові фактори подальшого зростання галузі. Підтверджено глобальний характер кіберспорту, його економічну значущість та соціально-культурний вплив. Сформульовані рекомендації щодо популяризації дисциплін, що сприятиме сталому розвитку цієї галузі.
The research also analyzes the popularity of specific esports disciplines, identifying key trends such as the rise of team-based strategy games like League of Legends and Dota 2, as well as tactical shooters like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. A detailed evaluation of quantitative indicators such as the number of active players, tournaments, and viewership on platforms like Twitch provides insights into which esports are most popular and why. For instance, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive continues to dominate in terms of player participation, while League of Legends holds a significant lead in terms of global viewership. These disciplines show strong growth patterns, reinforced by the support of professional tournaments, high-profile sponsorships, and the extensive fanbase these games maintain.
The paper highlights genre diversity as a significant driver of esports' growth, showcasing the distinct appeal of multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games, first-person shooters (FPS), and card games. This genre variety not only attracts different player types but also enhances the overall viewer experience. Streaming platforms such as Twitch are identified as essential tools for the expansion of esports, offering a means of engaging global audiences through live broadcasts, real-time interactions, and fan-centric content.
The study confirms the global reach of esports, underscoring its significant economic impact and its growing cultural influence, particularly among younger generations. Esports is not just a form of entertainment but also a vehicle for technological innovation, social interaction, and professional development, offering opportunities for players, coaches, analysts, and various professionals within the industry. The findings further highlight how esports has become a critical part of digital culture, with countries like South Korea, China, and the United States leading the way in the formalization and institutionalization of competitive gaming.
Finally, the research provides recommendations for the sustainable development of esports, emphasizing the need for continued genre diversification, the strengthening of technological infrastructures, and the expansion of viewer engagement through interactive and immersive experiences. This will ensure that the esports ecosystem remains robust, attracting new participants and maintaining the interest of both players and fans in the long term. The paper also proposes strategies for improving the accessibility of esports in emerging markets, where the necessary technological and financial resources are still developing. By addressing these factors, esports can continue to grow and solidify its position as a mainstream, globally recognized form of entertainment.