У статті розглядається проблема тренування на початковому етапі підготовки у футболі у контексті тенденції до ранньої спеціалізації. Дослідження показує, що тенденція ранньої спеціалізації, особливо в командних видах спорту та футболі, все ще не має повного чи часткового наукового обґрунтування в системі підготовки навчально-спортивних закладів України, адаптованої до матеріально-технічних умов. Це наголошує на значенні контролю стану здоров’я як важливої складової контролю базової освіти задля збереження фізичного та психічного здоров’я дітей під впливом спортивних навантажень. Зазначено, що ефективність удосконалення системи управління підготовкою футболістів в умовах ранньої спеціалізації залежить від обліку та аналізу накопиченого практичного досвіду та теоретичних знань в олімпійському спорті, особливо у командних видах спорту та футболі. Аналіз наукових даних з питань ранньої спеціалізації у футболі показує, що цей напрямок ще недостатньо досліджений і ще не має повноцінного наукового обґрунтування.
The problem of training at the initial stage of training in football is considered in the context of the tendency towards early specialization. The study shows that the tendency of early specialization, especially in team sports and football, still does not have a full or partial scientific justification in the training system of educational and sports institutions of Ukraine, adapted to material and technical conditions, which emphasizes the importance of health control as an important component of the control of basic education in order to preserve the physical and mental health of children under the influence of sports loads. It should be noted that the effectiveness of improving the management system of training football players in conditions of early specialization depends on the accounting and analysis of accumulated practical experience and theoretical knowledge in Olympic sports, especially in team sports and football. As a result of the theoretical understanding of the research subject, it was found that the effectiveness of improving the system of initial training of football players in conditions of early sports specialization depends on careful control, accounting and analysis of accumulated practical experience and theoretical knowledge in Olympic sports in general in team sports and football directly. The analysis of scientific data on the issues of initial training, taking into account early specialization, shows that this direction is not yet sufficiently studied, does not have a full scientific justification, and a large body of scientific knowledge is not combined into a coherent system in which organically interconnected control has to be combined with modern trends in the development of children’s football and the age characteristics of children.
The problem of training at the initial stage of training in football is considered in the context of the tendency towards early specialization. The study shows that the tendency of early specialization, especially in team sports and football, still does not have a full or partial scientific justification in the training system of educational and sports institutions of Ukraine, adapted to material and technical conditions, which emphasizes the importance of health control as an important component of the control of basic education in order to preserve the physical and mental health of children under the influence of sports loads. It should be noted that the effectiveness of improving the management system of training football players in conditions of early specialization depends on the accounting and analysis of accumulated practical experience and theoretical knowledge in Olympic sports, especially in team sports and football. As a result of the theoretical understanding of the research subject, it was found that the effectiveness of improving the system of initial training of football players in conditions of early sports specialization depends on careful control, accounting and analysis of accumulated practical experience and theoretical knowledge in Olympic sports in general in team sports and football directly. The analysis of scientific data on the issues of initial training, taking into account early specialization, shows that this direction is not yet sufficiently studied, does not have a full scientific justification, and a large body of scientific knowledge is not combined into a coherent system in which organically interconnected control has to be combined with modern trends in the development of children’s football and the age characteristics of children.