На основі результатів анкетування встановлено, що професійна підготовка студентів, майбутніх фахівців зі здоров’я людини, сприяє виробленню цілеспрямованої орієнтації у переважної більшості юнаків та дівчат на дотримання основних засад здорового способу життя, а саме: високого рівня фізичної активності, здорового харчування, режиму сну, активного проведення дозвілля, що дозволяє їм підтримувати хороший рівень здоров’я та нормальну вагу.
The anonymous questionnaire survey of 153 students (98 boys and 55 girls) of the faculty of human health UzhNU which are studying at training direction “Human health” was held. The average age of the examined ones is 19,2±0,4 years. The results of analysis showed purposeful orientation of an overwhelming majority of respondents on the observance of basic foundations of healthy lifestyle. 85 per cent of young men and 75 per cent of young women and respondents are physically active, conduct separate physical exercises (aerobic and strength training) three and more times a week that corresponds to recommendations of World Health Organization and gives an opportunity to maintain good level of health, normal weight of body and nice appearance. It is typical for majority of boys an active conducting of leisure time during several hours daily, while majority of girls combines passive and active leisure forms in the daily routine. The observance of principles of healthy food is more characteristic for girls, similarly as and physiologically substantiated duration of sleep. A rate of students, who doesn’t consider themselves to be absolutely healthy is increasing from the second to the fourth courses, especially among girls. The risk factors of health of the faculty of human health (FHH) students’ can be considered: irrational nutrition and inadequate sleep, at least, in 50 per cent of young men, excessive spending of time in front of computers’ screens, in the network Internet during several hours a day in 40 per cent of boys and 22,3 per cent of girls, addiction to passive forms of leisure in the female students of senior courses. That’s why, actual problems of formation of healthy lifestyle and conserving of health in the students of FHH are strengthened educational and explanatory work for students’ reorientation towards healthier food habits, recovery of sleeping mode, involving to the maintenance of physically active lifestyle during all the age periods.