Визначено, що на сьогоднішній день проблема ППФП вивчена фрагментарно, оскільки кожен з науковців досліджує окрему спеціалізацію, або окрему групу спеціальностей. Виявлено, відсутність наукових даних щодо вимог, які висуваються до соматичних вікових параметрів означеної спеціальності. Наведено результати тестування показників фізичного розвитку фахівців з мікро та наноелектроніки різних вікових категорій.
The professional-applied physical training (PPFT) problem studied in universities merely fragmentary іt is proved that today, because each individual scientists exploring specialization students. The scientific basis students PPFT of technical schools have developed a number of scientists іn particular. Analiz scientific works on PPFT students master the group of professions related to sedentary work, including specialty micro- and nanoelectronics, shows that these issues are addressed in a rather discrete contemporary literature. This new research area is becoming more prevalent in areas of professional activity in the technical profile of high school technical profile however. The clear understanding of the optimal requirements that brought profession and age to physical parameters of specialists in micro- and nanoelectronics analysis of the literature does not provide. Such information available іn the scientific literature. Therefore, we consider it appropriate to supplement the information in order to clarify the requirements that apply to professional activities age-physical characteristics of economists, and subsequently be able to compare these characteristics with indicators that reflect the level displays in leading experts mental and physical qualities. The study made it possible to obtain data characterizing the level of physical development specialists in micro- and nanoelectronics and compare them. Determined the features and differences between individual indicators of physical development representatives specialty studied various age groups in their profession. Determined that the problem today PPFT understood merely fragmentary, as each of scholars explores separate specialization, or a separate group of specialties, revealed the lack of scientific data on the requirements imposed on somatic age parameters of the designated specialty. The results of the testing of physical development specialists in micro- and nanoelectronics different ages.