У статті розглядається можливість використання у навчальному процесі майбутніх вчителів початкових класів під час підготовки до викладання фізичної культури в школі методики тензодинамометрії, яка оперативно оцінює біомеханічні параметри основних рухових дій.
The article deals with the use in the educational process of future primary school teachers in preparing teaching of Physical Education in school tenzodynamometriyi techniques that efficiently evaluates biomechanical parameters of basic motor actions. Methods tenzodynamometriyi allows time control structure biodynamic movement of students. Objective data obtained made it possible to improve methods of training of primary school teachers to classes in physical education. The method allows to register tenzodynamohrafiyi effort that occurs during interaction with the support. For research use torque complex "Module", consisting of tenzoplatformy AP-3A, universal board converting electrical signals WAD-ADC 16-32, a personal computer with special software and printer and is designed to measure the magnitude and vector support reactions of students in three mutually planes. To investigate the biomechanical structure of the main technical actions students used tenzodynamohrafiyi instrumental method that allowed to register during the execution of the studied elements biodynamic and temporal characteristics. Characteristics of the students registered at runtime start action (jump up). Biodynamic analysis of technical actions revealed major power, timing and rhythm components of these methods, the implementation of which usually determines the level of performance of students solving basic motor tasks. As a result of studies found that technical element has a characteristic Biodynamic structure.