В статті розглядається вірогідність виникнення можливих негативних наслідків аеробних оздоровчих тренувань у різних контингентів населення та напрямки їх попередження, шляхом розподілення клієнтів на групи методом анкетування за ризиком виникнення захворювань серцево-судинної системи.
Promotion of exercise aerobic physical activity with the goal of improving the health of the population, every year lead to health clubs and centres, an increasing number of people of different age, with the risk of development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other chronic diseases. As a result, there is an urgent need for instructors Wellness kinds of physical culture in crisp and clear recommendations regarding the specifics of the training program for populations with different levels of health and physical abilities. The risk of serious negative consequences during aerobic fitness classes is low, if a person has not found the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It can be found by the method of questioning by dividing customers into 3 risk groups: healthy – class A-1; people with a high risk classes A-2 and A-3; individuals who have cardiovascular disease classes B, C, D. In the process of aerobic Wellness training there is an increase in injuries, which is called the "damage from excessive use." In contrast to acute, these injuries caused significant physical effects, and are the result of the accumulation of microtrauma to the tissues of the musculoskeletal system. These injuries are prevalent in the classroom aerobic Wellness training that a significant number of repetitions of the exercises at a pace necessary to improve the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. To prevent possible negative consequences during aerobic Wellness practice is of great importance rationally structured lessons with regard to age, sex, physique and health clients. All tests at the health club, must be approved and recommended by specialists. The greatest risk is typical for young people and the elderly, because in the last desired of a longer recovery period. Persons with physical limitations and chronic diseases aerobic physical activity provide an opportunity to retain sufficient physical condition and better health. In order that they could optimally and safely exercise, Wellness programs should make special adjustments and they should be conducted under the supervision of a specialist.