Стаття присвячена класифікації захворювань студентів університету з використанням коефіцієнту поєднання для їх характеристики. Встановлено кількісну динаміку студентів, які віднесені за станом здоров׳я до спеціальної медичної групи; встановлена питома вага різних класів хвороб та супутніх нозологій за кількістю випадків в студентів, використано коефіцієнт поєднання для встановлення поліморбідності деяких захворювань.
Article deals with the classification of diseases of university students using a ratio combination of their characteristics. Every year the number of persons belonging to special medical group worsens the morpho-functional state of physical fitness and health of students. According to the analysis of scientific literature classes on diseases that are more prevalent among students of Ukraine. Increasing the number of students that are experiencing for a long time a combination of certain classes of diseases. Solving the objectives of the study found that the rate of the number of university students who referred to health I to special medical group and freed from practical physical education classes, within 19%. According to nosology diseases among university students, both men and women, within three years the leading position occupied by cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue disorders of eye and adnexa, diseases of urinary-genital system and digestive system. Pathology, occupying a leading position among diseases of students of the University of Special Medical Groups combined with each other more often than rarer classes’ pathologies. Factor combination may be useful for the analysis of etiological factors specific disease entities and laws of their combination.