У статті розкрито зміст поняття «здоров’язбережувальні технології», описано здоров’язберігаючі компетенції, визначені принципи та напрямки роботи у процесі занять для збереження здоров’я учнів. Описана професійно-педагогічна діяльність вчителя, яка спрямована на підтримання і збереження здоров’я учнів.
Of particular relevance is the problem of new technologies in the preservation of health to prepare students for professional careers. We have identified the purpose of the study: to identify the main approaches to understanding health technologies and their use in the learning process of future teachers and primary goals: to analyze and reveal the essence of the concept; review the experience of the use of technology; identify the conditions for effective implementation of new technologies in the educational process Teachers College. The health status of students currently defines the specific training requirements of modern teacher. Maintaining and improving the health of students, in turn, depends on the competence of teachers in these areas pedagogical methods, one of which, in our opinion, is the educational community educational institutions. Research on the health of students conducted in different directions. However, the question of training teachers to preserve and promote the health of students in education didn’t develop enough. In the base of educational process laid competence approach as a factor of development of personal qualities of students and creating a positive attitude to health. All technologies can be divided into three main groups: providing hygienically optimal conditions for the educational process; optimal organization of educational process and physical activity; psychological and educational technology. In Lisichanskom Teachers College developed a clear and orderly system in the framework of the Youth Media Center, which activated the natural craving students to physical training and recreation sports, and that will continue to implement the learning process of secondary schools , music therapy, hatha yoga, kosiki karate technologies, breathing exercises, sand therapy, kanisterapiya, horseback riding and more. We have highlighted the following key provisions: the process of physical education in modern society is one of the main places, because it is a means of full and harmonious development of personality; today one of the most pressing issues presented were modernized system of physical education; need to introduce innovative technologies in the training of future professionals to maintain health; at the present stage of the educational process is characterized by valuable innovations.