Розглянуто існуючі підходи щодо фізичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів. Встановлено, що формування фізичної культури особистості, задеклароване нормативними актами як стратегічне завдання фізичного виховання не повною мірою реалізується в професійно-технічній освіті. Виявлено, що однією з негативних причин такого становища є недосконалість існуючого педагогічного інструментарію. Стисло наведено перспективи його удосконалення.
The article reviews current approaches to physical education students of vocational schools. Revealed, that the strategic task of physical education in the system of vocational education is the formation of physical culture of personality. The implementation of this task performed through an organized system that consists of two instructional components: mandatory and extracurricular. However, the substance of revealed only new typical curriculum "Physical culture for vocational education". Therefore you need to realize that its implementation is expected only in the lesson, which can’t comprise represented by all components of the educational process. Established that the improvement of physical education in vocational schools is to develop pedagogical tools for perform the task of forming physical cultural identity, not only as a strategic, but also as part of professional competence. To do this, first, we must pick the educational material that is not contrary to the interests, motivations and needs of students of vocational school, as only a conscious understanding of the role of physical culture can promote the absorption of its values. Second, give such theoretical and methodological knowledge that will contribute not only independent, but also adequate use the funds of physical education. Thirdly, is a need for scientifically based determining professional applied funds of physical preparation within the concept of physical education and state standards on the general principles of physical education.