В роботі обґрунтовано загальну характеристику працеохоронної підготовки фахівців фізичного виховання та спорту, визначено і схарактеризовано її педагогічну складову. Розроблена організація працеохоронної підготовки, яка передбачала наступні етапи її впровадження: мотиваційно-ціннісного, когнітивно-процесуального та контрольного. Виявлено управління цим процесом з боку викладача та методи й засоби, які застосовуються.
General description of labour protection preparation of specialists in physical education and sports is grounded in the article. Its pedagogical constituent is determined and characterized. Stage-by-stage organization of labour protection preparation is worked out. It provided the following stages of its introduction: motivational-valued, cognitive-processual and control.Importance of the first motivational-valued stage is noted. It can be understand as a process in the outcome of which certain activity acquires the personal sense for a student. The following motives of studying such discipline as “Basis of labour protection” are marked out: cognitive, valued and social. Formation of cognitive motives of labour protection is a motivation during the discipline teaching. Formation of value motives’ hierarchy is represented. The process of acquisition and accumulation of the valued knowledge and abilities depends on it. The basic social motives of future worker in physical education that must be taken into account at creation of safe terms of labour are shown. The results analysis of questioning about the presence of dominant cognitive motives of labour protection in studying the discipline “Basis of labour protection” of 4th yeared students from “Physical education and sports” specialization are disclosed. The second stage of labour protection’s organization is cognitive-processual stage. It foresees actualization of professional knowledge, abilities and practical experience of students. According to this on the basis of addition and increasing of new integrative knowledge and abilities gaining of new experience in labour protection’s preparation takes place. Interrelated abilities that future specialist must master are distinguished. They are: projective, structural, organizational, communicative, mobilizational. The third stage is the control stage. It foresees: control and self-control during the course of labour protection’s preparation of specialists; analysis and self-examination of content of the noted preparation, its character and completeness; timely correction and self-correction in organization of labour protection’s preparation; making changes in methods, forms and means of the studied preparation.