Дослідження присвячені побудові тренувальних занять з важкої атлетики для груп спортивного удосконалення в умовах Таврійського державного агротехнологічного університету (ТДАТУ).
The research focuses on training sessions in weightlifting for groups of sports perfection in the Tauride State Agrotechnological University. The athletes preparing for a competition use all areas of physical intensity, alternating both minimum and average and maximum areas. The combination of several training sessions which together with the rest days comprise a relatively complete and repeatative unit of the training process is called "mikrocycles". Microcycles are so-called "building blocks" that make up the average mesocycles workout. Each mezocycle comprises 3-6 microcycles, preferably of the same type that form a relatively complete step of the training process. We conducted an experiment to prove the correctness of the proposed method. The experiment involved 30 students of Tauride State Agrotechnological University (15 boys in the experimental group, 15 boys in the control group). At each session the athletes of the control group raised the weight of 80-85% of the maximum weight lifted in previous competitions, taking care not to reduce the load on one session, while the experimental group worked according to the microcycles system, constantly changing the load. At the end of the experiment we measured the power rates in the snatch and jerk of the bar, the change of which was recorded during the experiment. To assess the functional capacity of the weightlifters’ body we used the Harvard step-test, which was conducted at the end of each mikrocycles. The proposed system of training process arrangement proves that the laws of additivity in the sport do not work. The application of the developed concept of the training process based on microcycles effectively increases results in weightlifting.