У статті представлені відомості щодо змісту фітнес-програм, які направлені на розвиток силових якостей і корекцію статури у процесі самостійних занять студентів. Надані рекомендації з раціонального дозування тренувального навантаження у бодібілдингу, методам контролю і самоконтролю фізичного стану, попередженню травматизма.
In the article presented taking about maintenance of the fitness-programs, directed on development of power qualities and correction of figure in the process of independent employments of students. Presented recommendation on the rational dosage of the training loading in bodybuilding, to the methods of control and self-control of bodily condition, warning of traumatism. In practical section on physical education programs for higher education strategy is implemented differentiated approach mainly academic department using material modern fitness programs and technology strength of character weighting of different species that contribute to the development of muscular strength and strengthening the musculoskeletal system. The problem is that at the time determined deficiency of evidence-based guidance on the rational use of exercises to develop strength qualities of students. Typically, workshops and tutorials limited representation of didactic material of the process of physical education and do not regulate the content of individual fitness and training sessions boys and girls. As a result, there are often cases of injury, overtraining functional systems of those involved, the absence of positive changes in their physical condition. Made theoretical analysis tools and techniques of power orientation and justification for their use in fitness students. Rational use of affordable and effective means of power orientation that have selective effects on the body, largely achieves the goal of physical education students - to facilitate the preparation of highly skilled professionals with the specific requirements of their professional psychophysical competence. The choice of volume, intensity and direction of personal athletic activity students determined health, functional abilities of the body, gender, level of physical performance and fitness. Power quality is an important component of physical fitness of students, are specific to different types of motor actions and manifestations improved by using specific, evidence-based methods of training impact. Assessing the level of power quality is required by implementing fitness programs and technology in physical education students.