У статті розглянуто питання контролю психофізіологічного стану студентів спеціальних медичних груп в процесі фізичного виховання у ВНЗ. Встановлено відсутність динаміки досліджуваних параметрів протягом курсу занять, що вимагає доопрацювання щодо вирішення питання вибору конкретного напряму реалізації означених педагогічних завдань курсу фізичного виховання студентів з відхиленнями у стані здоров’я у ВНЗ.
The questions of state control syhofiziolohichnoho students with disabilities in health in physical education in high school is considered. The critical situation that has developed to date health-graduate educational institutions indicates the relevance of studying the factors that provide a high level of psychophysical capacity of students with disabilities in health in teaching at universities. Background – during training of students of special medical groups Lviv Polytechnic National University to analyze the dynamics parameters psychophysical condition. Through statistical analysis of the results of empirical research complex monitoring parameters studied objectively determined that the actual level of psycho-physical readiness for completion of academic study at university characterized by the absence of positive dynamics of formation and insufficient level of professional competence in the performance of students studied sample. Analytical analysis of the results of the empirical study of psychophysiological state as a form of functional state of students high school, determines the need for specific, targeted corrective actions in the high school course of physical training of these groups. These materials and the experiment confirmed detailed assumptions about the importance of monitoring psychophysiological state of students universities for comprehensive assessment of their health and improve the efficiency of managing the process of physical education in high school.