Мета – розроблення методики оцінювання якості поправок оптимальної маси тіла студентів за формулою математичної моделі для чоловіків. Методи: теоретичний аналіз та узагальнення; педагогічний експеримент; антропометрія; метод найменших квадратів; регресійний аналіз. Матеріал – розглянута придатність формули оптимальної маси тіла для чоловіків для одержання оптимальної маси тіла студентів (n = 142) з поправками на їхню конституцію, вік і зріст. Результати. Якість поправок оптимальної маси тіла студентів визначено відповідно опорних точок або опорних формул за коефіцієнтами детермінації та середніми похибками апроксимації у відсотках. Висновки: рівняння регресії, за якими отримали поправки на різну конституцію, вік і зріст студентів, максимально вдало підібрані (D = 100 %) і забезпечують точність від Ā = 1,27Е-05 % до Ā = 2,00E-03 %, що практично не відрізняється від максимальної (Ā = 0 %).
The use of mathematical modeling for various processes of improving the physical education of student youth is a promising, but at the same time insufficiently studied direction in solving current scientific and practical problems. Regression equations are widely used in mathematical modeling, the quality of which specialists recommend to determine by their selection and approximation of calculated values to actual indicators. The aim of the research is to develop a methodology for assessing the quality of corrections of students’ optimal body weight based on the formula of the mathematical model for men. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization; pedagogical experiment; anthropometry; method of least squares; regression analysis. Material – considered the suitability of the men’s optimal body weight formula to obtain the optimal body weight of students with corrections for their constitution, age and height (n = 142). The results. The quality of corrections of student’s optimal body weight is determined, respectively, by reference points or reference formulas by coefficients of determination and average errors of approximation in percent. Conclusions. During calculating the optimal body weight of students, the quality of corrections that take into account their body constitution, age and height is determined by coefficients of determination and average approximation errors in percentages based on the sequential change of the components of the men’s optimal body weight. It was found that in the formula of men’s optimal body weight, the equation of linear regression, which determines the correction for the different constitution of students within the limits of wrist circumference 14.0÷23.0 cm, is selected as successfully as possible (D = 100%) and is characterized by an accuracy (Ā = 1.23E-05%) that practically does not differ from reference formula (Ā = 2.00E-03%). The men’s optimal body weight formula gives the same percentages for reference points with accuracy up to and including the fourth decimal place. It was established that the correction of the body weight of students aged 17÷26 according to the formula of men’s optimal body weight was performed with the most successful selection of the linear regression equation (D = 100%) and with accuracy (Ā = 1.27E-05%), which practically does not differ from the maximum (Ā = 0%). It was determined that the correction of body weight for students in the height range from 1.60 m to 2.00 m has the most successful selection (D = 100%) and accuracy (Ā = 1.37E-05%), which practically does not differ from the maximum (Ā = 0%).