Проблеми дисграфії з середини ХХ сторіччя розглядаються з позицій нейропсихології та нейролінгвістики. Це привело до появи фундаментального підходу у вивченні проблеми з врахуванням психологічної складової структури писемного мовлення. У статті окреслені сучасні аспекти вивчення дисграфії, а саме психолого-логопедичний та психолінгвістичний, які співвідносять дисграфію у дітей з несформованістю вищих психічних функцій, несформованістю специфічних як мовленнєвих, так і немовленнєвих механізмів, а, отже, розглядають її як специфічне мовленнєве порушення.
Problems of dysgraphia have been considered from the perspective of neuropsychology and neurolinguistics since the middle of the 20th century. This led to the emergence of a fundamental approach to the study of the problem, taking into account the psychological component of the structure of written speech. The article outlines modern aspects of the study of dysgraphia, namely psychological-speech and psycholinguistic, which correlate dysgraphia in children with malformation of higher mental functions, malformation of specific both speech and non-speech mechanisms, and therefore consider it as a specific speech disorder. From the point of view of psycholinguistic and psycho-pedagogical aspects of understanding, writing disorders are caused by the insufficiency of a number of mental functions. Also, writing disorders are caused by the lack of formation of such specific speech mechanisms as simultaneous-successive analysis and synthesis, analytical-synthetic activity of auditory and speech-motor analyzers. The formation of fine motility of the fingers, visual-motor coordination, hand-motor control and motor memory are necessary prerequisites for mastering the last operation of the writing process. This is preceded by a complex activity that prepares the final stage. The process of writing has a multi-level structure, includes a large number of operations, because it is a motor act, in which a motor composition and a semantic structure are distinguished. Dyspraxic and optical disorders of written speech are not directly related to the level of oral speech. Their occurrence is associated with the underdevelopment of such mental functions as visual gnosis, visual-spatial representations, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial orientation, visual memory and attention, as well as reduced memory capacity, low switching, narrowing and instability other mental functions, insufficient development of free will and self-control. These violations lead to persistent errors in the process of writing and reading, which significantly complicates the child’s school adaptation.