За останні роки досягнуто значних успіхів у поглибленні сутності фізичної підготовки гімнастів, зокрема розвитку сили як основи їхньої технічної досконалості, а також впливу на організм окремих компонентів тренувальних навантажень. Встановлено, що засоби силової підготовки гімнастів 7-8 років різноманітні, але сфера їх застосування досить обмежена. Тому необхідна цілеспрямована співпраця науковців і практиків для узагальнення та створення методологічного масиву знань щодо особливостей практичного використання силових вправ у навчально-тренувальному процесі юних гімнастів. Розробка та впровадження в навчально-тренувальний процес гімнастів 7-8 років авторської методики розвитку силових здібностей підтвердило її високу ефективність, про що свідчить суттєвий приріст результатів у спортсменів основної групи. Більш того, різниця між середньогруповими результатами гімнастів контрольної і основної групи у тестових завдання є статистично достовірною.
The developed author's method of developing the strength abilities of 7-8 year old gymnasts consisted of six interconnected structural components: 1st "Basic" - general developmental exercises for developing the strength of muscle groups: arms and shoulder girdle, abdominal press, back, legs , as well as complex exercises; 2nd "Imitation exercises and tasks for adopting and maintaining a posture" - static exercises that are of great importance for the formation of the correct posture of athletes 7-8 years old: "Swallow", "Plank", "Shuttle", "Corner", letters of the alphabet "G" and "D"; 3rd "Circular training" - exercises for working out all muscle groups that make up the "circle" with a clear normalization of the load and at the same time individualization of tasks at each "station"; 4th "Recovery" - breathing exercises and exercises for acquiring skills and abilities to relax and stretch muscles after performing strength exercises; 5th "Homework" - exercises for independent performance at home, selected individually for each gymnast; 6th "Game exercises and tasks" - exercises that created a positive competitive atmosphere and increased the emotional background during training sessions.
The implementation of the author's method of developing strength abilities into the educational and training process of 7-8 year old gymnasts confirmed its high efficiency, as evidenced by a significant increase in the results of the athletes of the main group. Moreover, the difference between the average group results, gymnasts of the control group and the main group in the test tasks is statistically reliable. The developed author's method of developing the strength abilities of 7-8 year old gymnasts consisted of six interconnected structural components: 1st "Basic" - general developmental exercises for developing the strength of muscle groups: arms and shoulder girdle, abdominal press, back, legs , as well as complex exercises; 2nd "Imitation exercises and tasks for adopting and maintaining a posture" - static exercises that are of great importance for the formation of the correct posture of athletes 7-8 years old: "Swallow", "Plank", "Shuttle", "Corner", letters of the alphabet "G" and "D"; 3rd "Circular training" - exercises for working out all muscle groups that make up the "circle" with a clear normalization of the load and at the same time individualization of tasks at each "station"; 4th "Recovery" - breathing exercises and exercises for acquiring skills and abilities to relax and stretch muscles after performing strength exercises; 5th "Homework" - exercises for independent performance at home, selected individually for each gymnast; 6th "Game exercises and tasks" - exercises that created a positive competitive atmosphere and increased the emotional background during training sessions. The implementation of the author's method of developing strength abilities into the educational and training process of 7-8 year old gymnasts confirmed its high efficiency, as evidenced by a significant increase in the results of the athletes of the main group. Moreover, the difference between the average group results, gymnasts of the control group and the main group in the test tasks is statistically reliable.