Одним з пріоритетних напрямів розвитку сучасного спорту є створення умов для розвитку дитячого, дитячо-юнацького та резервного спорту і це не випадково, адже саме дитячо-юнацький та резервний спорт є основою розвитку спорту вищих досягнень. Він є запорукою розвитку резервного спорту, а також умовою формування здорового суспільства. Дитячий спорт вирішує не лише оздоровчі завдання, а й також вирішує важливі соціальні проблеми, а саме забезпечує активний відпочинок дітей, допомагає заповнити дозвілля у вільний від навчання час, запобігає виникненню шкідливих звичок, вилучає дітей з вулиць, сприяє формуванню здорового способу життя, допомагає дитині соціалізуватися у суспільстві, самореалізовуватися, налагоджувати нові дружні стосунки, спілкуватися, розважатися.
One of the priority directions of the development of modern sports is the creation of conditions for the development of children's, children's and youth sports, and reserve sports; and this is not accidental as children's and youth, and reserve sports are the basis of the development of high-achieving sports. It is the key to the development of reserve sports and the condition of forming a healthy society. Children's sports solve more than just wellness tasks, but also solve critical social problems; namely, they provide active recreation for children, help to fill leisure time during free time from education, prevent the emergence of bad habits, remove children from the streets, contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, help the child to socialize in society, help to self-realize, to establish new friendships, to communicate, to have fun. Nowadays, there is a violation of the selection system for sports schools. The positive experience of the selection, examination, and analysis of growth and physical parameters of the child, conducting various mobile games during the after-school time, is losing. The modern practice of selection and orientation of training of capable athletes shows the low effectiveness of children's and youth sports. In this system, it is necessary to ensure the optimal ratio of the number of children who play sports at various stages of multi-year improvement, providing the selection of the best considering special training. This is possible considering, firstly, that the practice of mastering the main types of sports, preliminary testing of motor functions and health status will make it possible to direct the most capable children in specific types of sport for further improvement in the system of children's and youth sports schools, specialized youth schools of the Olympic Reserve (SDYUSHOR), and training at the initial stages - to form and select a contingent of athletes, promising for further improvement, for reserve sports. Secondly, children who have not shown apparent abilities for further sports improvement should be oriented to be engaged in mass sports. This approach makes it possible to increase the selection system's efficiency and develop a system of mass children's and youth sports. Health and educational components of children's and youth sports form a healthy lifestyle for their pupils. Fulfilling the tasks assigned to the Youth Sports School ( CYSS ) by the state includes three interrelated aspects: sports, physical culture, and educational.