У статті подано історичний огляд культурних процесів, що лежали в основі розвитку музичної культури Північної Буковини (Чернівецька область, Україна). Увага зосереджена на «австрійському» періоді в історії цього регіону, відзначається конкретний внесок музикантів, які приїздили на роботу в ці краї (Франц Пауер, Карл Умлауф, Кароль Мікулі, Адальберт Гржімали, Сидір Воробкевич). Акцент на багатих і
давніх музичних традиціях автохтонного народу, який населяв цю частину України з давніх часів. Відзначається унікальне розмаїття Чернівців як “горної культури” – тут утворилися сприятливі умови інтеграції регіону в загальноєвропейський культурний простір.
The article provides a historical overview of the cultural processes involved in the development of music culture in North Bukovyna (located in Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine) from the late 18th to the early 20th century. The "Austrian" period of the history of North Bukovyna was marked by a number of celebrated musicians, both local and foreign, as well as prominent officials who played a pivotal role in the development of the music culture in this region. However, we also note the rich and ancient musical traditions of the autochthonous people who have inhabited this region of Ukraine for centuries and whose
music was an inspiration behind classical pieces of Bykovynian composers. Highlighting the borderland geographical status of the Bukovynian lands, this article also celebrates the exceptional diversity and cultural harmony of Chernivtsi. A melting pot of cultures, the city was set to become a bright spot on the European cultural map, with many of the region’s renowned citizens contributing to the world’s cultural and musical heritage. This article highlights that the period between the 1830s and the early 20th century was the most active time for nurturing academic and secular music culture in Bukovyna. Rapid
urbanisation, demographic changes that led to a blend of multiple ethnicities, and improved connectivity within the state were some of the factors that contributed to this growth. In this article, we delve into the lives of notable individuals such as Franz Pauer, Johann Karl Ritter Umlauff von Frankwell, Karol Mikuli, Adalbert Hřimalý, Sydir Vorobkevych, and several others. These individuals played a crucial role in the progressive development and revitalisation of the music culture in Chernivtsi (known as Czernowitz in Austro-Hungary) and were instrumental in promoting musical education, as well as the rise of musical and choral societies in the region. We turn to each of these figures to find out more about their life and career, as well as information on their achievements and transformative contributions, which also include bringing into the city such world-famous celebrities of pianism and classical music as Ferentz List and Anton
Rubinstein. Due consideration is given to the creation and development of the Society for the Promotion of the Musical Arts in Bukovyna (now Chernivtsi Philharmonics), which staged successful concert performances, provided musical education, by attracting and nurturing local talents, and acted as a cultural hub uniting music lovers and catalysing the expansion of the region’s musical life. The article will be of interest to all those who are keen on rediscovering and reconstructing the musical history of Ukraine’s diverse regions and it is aimed to encourage further research in this direction, especially vital at this most
difficult of times of war for our country, when Ukraine is fighting for its very existence defending its cultural and national identity.