Розглянуті у статті науково-методологічні підходи дають змогу викладачеві професійно-художніх дисциплін, виступати в ролі організатора пізнавальної діяльності студентів. Реалізуючи дані підходи та використовуючи новітні технології у навчальному процесі, викладачі зможуть реалізувати свої педагогічні ідеї, а студенти отримають можливість самостійно обирати освітню послідовність та методи контролю знань. Завдяки цьому в суб’єктів освітнього процесу відбудеться особистісний і професійний розвиток, виробиться індивідуальний стиль діяльності, сформується культура самовизначення.
The training of a modern teacher of an innovator of professional and artistic disciplines requires clearly defined educational goals and motives. The clarification, organization and application of psychological and pedagogical conditions of the educational process should be aimed at the formation of a specialist capable for effective professional self-development and selfrealization. In the modern labor market, there is competition, which is caused by the need for professional personnel who are aware of socio-economic changes in the labor market and in society.
The methodology contributes to obtaining information about processes and phenomena. In educational, visual, verbal, practical, searching, reproductive methods of learning, methods of stimulating and motivating educational activities, methods of knowledge control are used. These methods become effective due to the use of various sources in the educational process (periodicals, educational and cognitive sources, the Internet). However, in the process of learning, students get acquainted with methodological knowledge spontaneously, selectively, not realizing their importance. This is due to the fact that the teachers themselves do not pay enough attention to methodological knowledge and have little methodological culture. In the educational process in higher education institutions, an informative approach prevails, students acquire a certain amount of knowledge and possess a limited number of practical skills. In order to improve the professional training of future teachers of professional and artistic disciplines, it is necessary to take into account a number of general scientific and psychological-pedagogical approaches, namely: cultural, axiological, innovative, contextual, person-oriented, humanistic, creative, acmeological, activity.
The scientific and methodological approaches considered in the article allow the teacher of professional and artistic disciplines to act as an organizer of students’ cognitive activity. By implementing these approaches and using the latest technologies in the educational process, teachers will be able to implement their pedagogical ideas, and students will have the opportunity to choose independently the educational sequence and methods of knowledge control. Thanks to this, the subjects of the educational process will have personal and professional development, develop an individual style of activity, and form a culture of self-determination.