Перегляд Факультети, інститути, підрозділи по назві

Сортувати по: Порядок: Результати:

  • Працьовитий, Микола Вікторович; Лисенко, Ірина Миколаївна; Маслова, Юлія Петрівна; Требенко, Оксана Олександрівна (Вид-во УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2023)
  • Tsurkan, Liudmyla; Dubinka, Mykola; Savchenko, Nataliia; Slipchyshyn, Lidiia; Kalenyk, Mykhailo (Mardel Morales-García Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima, Perú, 2023-07-03)
    The article aims to study the peculiarities of the issue of gamification when developing readiness for self-fulfillment in students of higher educational institution in the course of education. The research involved testing, ...
  • Kostina, Tetiana; Drozdova, Diana; Bulakh, Iryna (2022)
    The article presents a study of the verbalrepresentation of the concept of "gender inequality" in student youth.The research aims to determine and experimentally investigate the content of the "gender ...
  • Bobrytska, Valentyna Ivanivna (Німеччина, ORT Publishing, Stuttgart, 2013, 2013)
    У статті висвітлено загальнометодологічні проблеми педагогіки, розв’язання яких актуалізується в умовах сучасного полікультурного суспільства. В контексті дослідження методологічних аспектів тези «педагогіка як компонент ...
  • Zhytyns’ka, Mariya (Toronto : Shiny Word Corp. (Canada), 2015)
    This article deals with the analysis of the standards of the social and health-care policy for elderly people in Denmark as the change of emphasis onto the reproduction of adaptation and rehabilitation of the potential of ...
  • Shulgun, Madlena (Edizioni Magi − Roma, Italy., 2016)
    The article deals with the methods of the development of professional competence of would-be philologists in the course of «History of World Literature». The genre analysis of the novel «The City Description» by D. Danilov ...
  • Pet'ko, Lyudmila; Borisyuk, Anna (Praha : Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o., 2014)
    The author’s presented G.Simmel’s adherence to the Marxist view that conflict between opposites is the source of growth and development advanced this belief in sociology. On the other side, his phenomenological methodology ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Rudyk Maria (Austria. – Vienna: EASTWEST, 2014-01)
    This article is devoted to describing of problems of gifted children. The aim of the article is to provide the readers some materials on researches of this problem in the modern society. The authors characterize the most ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Kuklevs’ka, Yaroslava (Уральск (Казахстан) : ТОО «Уралнаучкнига», 2014)
    This article is devoted to describing of gifted children’s problems. The aim of the article is to provide the readers some materials on researches of this problem in the modern society. The authors characterize the most ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila (EDEX, Madrid, España, 2018)
    Determined the importance of English language in today’s world and the importance of future specialists’ knowledge of the English language as university graduates in view of the global trends in the educational environment, ...
  • Mikhailina, Tetiana; Bykov, Оleksander; Bykova, Tetiana; Бикова, Тетяна Валеріївна (Journal of Law and Political Sciences, 2020)
    The legal ideology can be recognized as the most stable element of the legal system, which causes its fairly long period of formation. Nevertheless, the rapid pace of modern society development and the globalization of all ...
  • Vakulyk, Iryna; Voskoboinikova, Halyna; Haharin, Mykola; Chabaiovska, Mariia; Dovzhuk, Viktoria; Tomashevska, Marysya (2023-05)
    The article reveals the main principles of globalization of the educational space in the EU countries and Great Britain through radical information reformation. The action plan, which includes the six dimensions disclosed ...
  • Єленський, Віктор Євгенович (Altamira Press, 2005)
  • Петько, Людмила Василівна (Київський лінгвістичний університет і вид-во «Ленвіт», 2005)
    Описано проведення 10-го Міжнародного конкурсу з англійської мови для дітей 10-11-річного віку (м.Ногінськ Московська обл.). Обгрунтовувається необхідність залучення дітей до театрального дійства шляхом театральної педагогіки. ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Haladiy, Bogdana (International Science Groupe, 2020)
    David Austin’s name is synonymous with roses; who has been breeding them for more than 50 years, introducing some 200 selections which have helped repopularise and redefine their use in gardens around the world. Described ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila (Toronto: Shiny Word.Corp. (Canada), 2023)
    This year marks the 500th anniversary of the coronation of Anne Boleyn as Queen of England , on 1 June 1533. In Tudor history, 7th September 1533, Queen Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII, gave birth to Queen ...
  • Topol, O.; Vasiuta, O.; Тополь, Ольга Володимирівна; Васюта, О. (НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2019)
    Notions of «health», «health-preserving competence» and their main components are determined. Characteristic of professional risks that may arise during the professional activity of social workers is given. Specific ...
  • Pet’ko, Lyudmila; Antonyuk, Anastasia (Przemys`l : Sp.zo.o. «Nauka i studia», 2014)
    This article is devoted to describing of eating disorders. The aim of the article is to provide the reader some materials on researches of this problem in the society. The authors characterize the most common eating disorders ...
  • Kolesnyk, Laryssa; Колесник, Лариса (Georg-Eckert-Institut – Leibniz-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung, 2019-12)
    В статье деться краткий анализ действующих программ и учебных дисциплин по гражданскому образованию в средней школе Украины. На основе мировых тенденций внедрения тем гражданской ответственности в дисциплины средней школы, ...