У статті розглянуто зміст поняття «культура» у соціологічному, психологічному
та педагогічному аспектах. Окремим елементом педагогічної діяльності виділено
професійно-педагогічну культуру, а частиною останньої визначено методичну культуру як специфічне проектування загальної та педагогічної культури в сферу методичної діяльності. Встановлено, що виконавська підготовка є одним із основних аспектів навчання студентів мистецького профілю у закладах вищої освіти. Розкрито специфіку підготовки магістрів у класі фортепіано з урахуванням перспективи їх майбутньої професійної діяльності. Сформульовано визначення поняття методичної культури викладача фортепіано. Структуру методичної культури майбутнього викладача фортепіано розглянуто у єдності чотирьох компонентів: мотиваційно-інформаційного, операційно-технологічного, рефлексивно-оцінного та корекційно-комунікативного.
The article examines the concept of culture in sociological, psychological and pedagogical aspects. Professional-pedagogical culture was identified as a separate element of pedagogical activity, which is considered as a complex integral generalized quality of the personality of a professional teacher, as a condition and prerequisite for effective pedagogical activity, as a generalized indicator of a teacher’s professional competence and as a goal of his professional self-improvement. The concept of "methodical culture" is a subspecies of professional and pedagogical culture, since the latter characterizes the culture of pedagogical activity as a whole, in the unity of all its functions, and methodical culture is connected with the methodical context of professional activity, with the implementation of methodical tasks. It has been established that the professional performance qualities of a piano teacher are based on a combination of many components: development of performance skills, work on culture and performance
technique, development of theoretical knowledge. It is noted that performance training is one of the main aspects of the education of art students in institutions of higher education; accordingly, the concept of "methodical culture of a piano teacher" is a category that characterizes the professional qualities of a specialist taking into account the specifics of his professional activity. It is noted that the methodical and practical content of individual classes in the piano class should be formed on the basis of a personally oriented approach, taking into account individual psycho-physiological features, leading motivations, level of performance training, developed abilities, qualities, knowledge, abilities, skills, motivation for educational and cognitive and creative and research activity, degree of manifestation of independence, will and creative initiative in the process of solving problematic tasks. The definition of the concept of methodical culture of a piano teacher is formulated. The structure of the methodical culture of the future piano teacher is considered in the unity of four components: motivational-informational, operational-technological, reflective-evaluative and corrective-communicative.