Наукова робота присвячена узагальненню результатів анкетування студентів щодо знань, умінь і практичних навичок у наданні невідкладної домедичної допомоги людьми, які не мають медичної освіти. Як показують результати анкетування є частина студентів, які сумніваються у своїх знаннях і практичних навичках надавати допомогу, є частина студентів, які переоцінюють свої знання. Проте, опитування показало, що 100 % респондентів погоджуються з думкою про необхідність викладання предметів «Невідкладна домедична допомога» та «Основи медичних знань» у вищих навчальних закладах.
The scientific work is devoted to the generalization of the results of the survey of students on the knowledge, skills and practical skills in providing emergency home care to people who do not have medical education. Students of 1-4 courses of Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk took part in the research. Among the respondents were students enrolled in educational and professional programs that have the required components of the above disciplines and students who do not study these disciplines. The study was conducted as an anonymous survey using Google Forms. The number of respondents is 80. According to the results of the survey, there are some students who doubt their knowledge and practical skills to provide assistance, there are some students who overestimate their knowledge. The last question allowed the respondents to assess their knowledge of emergency home care from 1 to 5 points (where 1 is the lowest level and 5 is the highest level of knowledge). As a result, 1 - 0%, 2 - 15%, 3 and 4 points - 42.5% and 5 - 0%. Also, the survey showed that 100% of respondents agree with the opinion on the need to teach the subjects "Emergency care" and "Fundamentals of medical knowledge" in higher education. This problem can be solved by creating appropriate training courses at different faculties of universities. Competent choice of training program and training tools will significantly increase the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to provide emergency care to people who do not have medical education. Subsequent research will focus on studying the psychological readiness of the population to learn, and further apply the acquired knowledge of emergency home care in critical situations.