У статті розглядається проблема класифікації європейського освітнього ландшафту крізь призму прагматичного значення різноманіття академічних інституцій у сучасному світі. Автор доводить тезу, за якою чітка, а головне – багатовимірна класифікація особливостей різних освітніх систем та суб’єктів в Євро-пі та в Україні не лише не зашкодить їх ідентичності, а й підкреслить їх самобутність, що привабить як місцевого, так і іноземного абітурієнта. Крім того, уведення таких структур відкриє нові горизонти для компаративного узгодження між різними освітніми інститутами, що своєю чергою підвищить пластичність та якість отриманих знань. Реалізація цієї мети стає можливою за умов дотримання специфічних принципів багатовимірної класифікації, яким у дослідженні надається окрема увага.
In the article the problem of classification of European educational landscape through the prism of pragmatic value diversity of academic institutions in the world is considered. The author proves the thesis on which clearly and multidimensional classification features different educational systems and actors in Europe and Ukraine will not hurt their identity, also it will emphasize specifies that will attract both local and foreign students. In addition, the introduction of such structures will open new horizons for comparative coordination between different educational institutions, which in turn will increase the flexibility and quality of the knowledge gained. Realization of this goal is possible under the terms of specific principles multidimensional classification, which in this study paid special attention.
Within the present study will be a general theoretical analysis of the grounds, principles, conditions and implementation difficulties in the classification of institutional education landscape in Europe. Formation of a single classification system in Europe is dictated by the objective of social and economic necessity. The variety of educational institutions in the case is a major advantage in the market educational and research services, and the creation of modern multidimensional classification system will support high-quality variety of institutions and structures under the relevant educational landscape.
By combining the role of educational landscape in a single classification, according to most European educators dialectically combined with the variety of European educational landscape. The dominant view in this regard states that features a clear classification of different educational systems and actors in Europe will not hurt their identity, bars rather emphasize their identity that will attract both local and foreign students, and after time and increase the flexibility and quality the knowledge gained. Ukrainian academic community for a long time took a course on Europeanization. With the introduction of our educational system into Bologna process, we have become direct participants in this discourse, in our case, and even more actualized because of its conflict with the Soviet tradition of
the university and its rudiments. Most modern scholars in the field of education policy considering the universal classification within higher education not as restrictive framework of education, but rather verification of administrative and political space for a variety of training programs and structures that would provide diversification in education useful and profitable. Multi-dimensional classification of educational institutions should be implemented against the background of polycentric educational discourse that focused on constructive clash of different and many political strategies and values. Heterogenization political background of European education should support the diversification process within the system that will provide access to a higher level of quality and accessibility of scientific and educational services. Classification is a means of mapping the European educational landscape, and therefore, like any other mapping, it must maintain
a balance between a plurality of information content and clarity of understanding in the sight of all subjects of educational practice. In this regard, it is very important compliance pragmatic principles multidimensional classification, indicating the objectivity, multitasking, liberal and flexibility of the original structure. However, multivariate classification of higher educational landscape institutions must be ready to overcome the difficulties associated with specific quantitative and qualitative variability of national educational systems, the contradiction between classical and modern approaches to academic diversity, and with a width of participants in educational practice.