У статті знайшли висвітлення проблеми методичної підготовки майбутніх педагогів-музикантів з позицій інноваційних освітніх технологій, що знайшли своє продуктивне підтвердження в європейському соціально-освітньому середовищі. Автором
розглянуто методичну компетентність як базову характеристику практичної
підготовленості майбутнього вчителя. У статті доведено, що розробка системи
продуктивно орієнтованої методичної підготовки майбутніх педагогів-музикантів
неможлива без використання таких концептуальних психолого-педагогічних теорій як
стратегія антиномії, партисипативного управління педагогічним процесом, персоналізованих впливів, валеологічного імперативу тощо
The article deals with the problems of methodical preparation of future teachers-musicians from the standpoint of innovative educational technologies. Educational and civic activities of the teacher have a high social significance for the formation of national consciousness, spiritual and aesthetic culture of the people. The system of methodical training of future music teachers is actively reformed and defines new guidelines for development.
Methodical competence determines the level of professionalism of the individual. This is the basic characteristic of the practical preparedness of the future teacher, it is aimed at forming a musical culture of students. Methodical competence includes the following components: content (methodological knowledge) and procedural (methodical skills) personal (professional properties). Pedagogical Constitution of Europe (2016): a teacher as the main subject of positive social change must be a spiritual authority, an example of democratic ideas and high morals. He is the spokesman for the ideals of European life. Educational strategy is considered as a pedagogical phenomenon. It includes a set of different approaches, actions, techniques, techniques. Of particular importance are the individual psychological characteristics of students and the stimulation of their creative individuality. The educational strategy "New School" (2016) is based on the principles of partnership pedagogy. She has communication, interaction and collaboration between participants in the pedagogical process. Students, parents and teachers are united by common goals and aspirations. They are voluntary and equal participants in educational interaction in order to choose an educational trajectory for the child. The strategy is aimed at dialogue and multilateral communication. Strategic principles of the educational project: respect for the individual; benevolence and positive attitude; trust in relationships; dialogue – interaction – mutual respect; Distributed leadership (projectivity, right to choose and responsibility for it, horizontal links); the principles of social partnership (equality of parties, voluntary acceptance of obligations, obligatory implementation of agreements).The methodical preparation of a contemporary music teacher is based on conceptual sociopedagogical theories: antinomy, participative management, personology, valeology.