У статті висвітлено питання теоретичного й методичного забезпечення процесу розв’язання педагогічних задач у підготовці майбутніх учителів музики. Доведено, що впровадження технології застосування задачного підходу, розробка дієвих механізмів моделювання педагогічних ситуацій вважаються одними з гострих практичних проблем в організації навчання студентів-музикантів. Проаналізовано сутність та значення методичних задач, запропоновано варіанти їх класифікації.
The article deals with a question of theoretical and methodological support of the process of solving pedagogical problems in the preparation of music teachers. It is well-proven that introduction of technology of application of task approaches, development of effective mechanisms of design of pedagogical situations are considered as the most serious practical problems in organization of students-musicants’ education. The author proves that the productive actions related to the search of effective and optimal decisions assist
to creative develop future teacher. The essence and value of methodical tasks are analysed, the variants of their classification are offered. Cognitive tasks provide the theoretical base of professional actions of a teacher, his capacity for new information retrieval and its systematization. Соnstructive tasks integrate teacher’s abilities
to develop innovative methodical projects, plan educational work with students and create pedagogical situations. The tasks envisage possessing the complex of abilities of artistically-pedagogical analysis of piece of music by carrying out abilities. Productive tasks are sent to forming of pedagogical abilities of organization, communication, control, estimation in the process of direct musical work with students. Experienced tasks
are sent to the capture methods and abilitirs of research work. Reflexive tasks determine its attitude of future specialist toward children, to the profession, induce to self-perfection and self-realization. The author works out the pedagogical terms of efficiency of methodical preparation of future teachersmusicians on the basis of task approaches. A dominant among them are: realization of technology of introduction of pedagogical tasks-situations of different types and levels in maintenance of the educational modules of different blocks of professional preparation; сreation of algorithms and heuristic charts on the basis of that pedagogical situations find a structural decision. Student’s ability to solve methodical tasks put them in the center of educational process, convert them into the active subject of pedagogical activity.