З метою визначення мотивації до занять в секціях з фітнесу у студенток, що навчаються на І курсі у Національному університеті водного господарства та природокористування було проведено анкетування.
У статті проаналізовані отримані дані результатів анкетування та визначені пріоритетні фактори, які впливають на мотивацію до занять в секції з фітнесу студенток-першокурсниць НУВГП.
Опитування проводилось на спортивній базі Національного університету водного господарства та природокористування, до якого були залучені студентки І курсу, в кількості 45 респонденток, які займаються в секції з фітнесу.
Результати дослідження доводять, що пізнавально-розвивальні та оздоровчі мотиви є пріоритетними серед учасниць анкетування.
The article analyzes the data received from the survey results and identifies priority factors affecting motivation for fitness classes of the first-year female students of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering. The survey has been conducted at sports camp of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, in which the first-year female students in the quantity of 45 respondents, engaging in fitness section, have been involved. In the course of research there were used methods of mathematical and statistical analysis of the conducted survey.
It has been established that “learning new exercises” is a priority motive for fitness, 90% of respondents took it first place. 70% of respondents put such a motive as an “active leisure” in the second position. The third in order of importance (60%) turned out to be the motive of “correction of body contours”
“Increasing emotional stress resilience” was put by the female students in the fourth position - 50%. The following motives received the same ranks: “training is one of the factors of harmonious development”, “promotion of healthy lifestyles”, “training contributes to physical development”, “increase of motor activity”. The quantity of their selection is 30%. Less popular motives turned out to be “to work on fitness is prestigious”, “to find enjoyment in training” and “to get release after mental load”. 10% put them in the ninth, tenth and eleventh positions, respectively.
It should be noted that the motive of “popularizing fitness” was not chosen by any female student which indicates to a complete incomprehension of their own example in popularizing classes.
The research results prove that cognitive, developmental and recreational motives are priority among the participants of the survey.