В статті висвітлено роль раннього та комплексного підходу до реабілітації хворих із травмами (переломи плеча) верхніх кінцівок, що значно підвищує ефективність терапевтичних заходів і дозволяє відновити їх функцію, працездатність, а також домогтися максимальної побутової, соціальної та професійної реінтеграції пацієнтів. На підставі проведених досліджень з’ясовано, що відновлення працездатності хворих може бути досягнуте лише при вживанні широкого набору терапевтичних засобів функціонального характеру, а саме: завдяки використанню спеціальної лікувальної гімнастики, фізичних вправ у воді, масажу, працетерапії та застосування широкої палітри фізіотерапевтичних методів.
The article is devoted to determining the effect of therapeutic exercises and additional means of physical therapy on the restoration of shoulder functions in middle-aged patients who have received humeral fractures. The article reflects the role of an early and comprehensive approach to their rehabilitation, which significantly increases the effectiveness of therapeutic measures and allows to restore the functions of the shoulder and arm in general, working capacity, as well as to achieve maximum everyday, social and professional reintegration. Comparison of the increase in measurement results in the main group of patients after the elimination of immobilization and at the end of the second period of rehabilitation indicates the effectiveness of the used complex of physiotherapy tools aimed at improving muscle tone and reducing pain when moving in the injured area of the arm, as well as increasing the mobility of the injured joint (P < 0.05). In the comparative group of patients, there was only a tendency to improve the results on the first two tests and on the pain scale (P> 0.05). According to the test results characterizing the volume and amplitude of movements, a significant increase was obtained both in the main and in the comparative groups. However, in the main group, the percentage of growth in these indicators was significantly higher. Based on the studies carried out, it has been established that the restoration of patients' ability to work can be achieved only with the use of a wide range of therapeutic agents of a functional nature, as following: through the use of special therapeutic exercises performed in the sitting and standing positions: raising the limbs and shoulders, lifting both hands up, spreading them to the sides; rotation in the elbow joint in different directions, claps in the palm of your hand in front of you and behind your back, etc., as well as the use of physical exercises in water, massage, occupational therapy and the use of a wide palette of physiotherapeutic methods (magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with novocaine for severe pain syndrome, ultra-high-frequency therapy to reduce pain, eliminate puffiness and to enhance tissue regeneration processes; ultrasound to improve the trophism of the joints and prevent their mobility; in period II myoelectrostimulation).