У статті аналізується потенціал фізичної культури і спорту в культивуванні ключових принципів здорового стилю життя у складних соціокультурних реаліях. Підкреслено, що фізична культура представлена як у школі, так і у вищих навчальних закладах як навчальна дисципліна і як найважливіший компонент формування цілісного розвитку особистості студента. Розкрито сутність поняття «здоровий стиль життя». Зазначено, що рухова активність в сучасній трудовій діяльності та в інших сферах життя, яке притаманне сучасній епосі, робить фізичну культуру і спорт одним із найпопулярніших засобів організації здорового дозвілля сучасної людини. Встановлено, що фізична культура і спорт набувають зростаючого виховного впливу на життя особистості в сучасному типі суспільства.
The article analyzes the potential of physical culture and sports in the cultivation of key principles of a healthy lifestyle in complex socio-cultural realities. In our opinion, it is necessary to determine the state of socio-cultural trends, taking into account which the ideas of a healthy lifestyle will find their direct embodiment; this is necessary for the implementation of an objective study of the possibilities of sports in the dissemination of the worldview and, no less important, direct practices of a healthy lifestyle. An integrating factor capable of ensuring the formation of a healthy society is a healthy lifestyle and related forms of sports activity. The creation of a socially acceptable form of representation in modern society is due to the formation of systems of education, upbringing. A key factor in which physical culture acquires the status of the formation of bodily skills and personality skills and characteristics of modern man, as well as forms the image of personality through sports and a healthy lifestyle. The need to unleash the potential of physical culture and sports education for modern youth, which is the most vulnerable in the face of the challenges of computerization and screen culture, which radically transforms a person's everyday life and is a priority task. The article emphasizes that physical culture in secondary school and in higher educational institutions as an academic discipline is the most important component of the formation of the integral development of the student's personality. The sports activity of modern students should receive the status of an important factor in the development and popularization of mass student sports, capable of changing the widespread attitude to physical activity, offering the ideals of a healthy, sports image of the deployment of individual everyday life. The essence of the concept of «healthy lifestyle» is disclosed, which is an integral characteristic of a personality, first of all, its worldview orientations. It is noted that physical activity in modern labor activity and in other spheres of life, which is inherent in the modern era, makes physical culture and sports one of the most popular means of organizing healthy leisure, quality recreation, and entertainment of a modern person. It has been established that physical culture and sports have a huge educational impact on the life of a person in the modern type of society.