У статті розглянута цінність теоретичних знань студентів-дизайнерів з дисципліни «Фізичне виховання» для активізації пізнавальної діяльності. Дисципліна «Фізичне виховання» розглядається як засіб формування і вдосконалення не тільки рухових вмінь, навичок та розвитку фізичних здібностей, але і як фактор що сприяє ефективному формуванню цілісної особистості студента, усвідомленому відношенню до фізичного виховання як до цінності. У дослідженні використано дані теоретичного тестування студентів-дизайнерів 1-го курсу. Доведено, що певна кількість студентів володіють високим рівнем теоретичних знань. Встановлено, що завдяки теоретичним знанням студенти можуть відповідально відноситься до особистого здоров'я.
In the article the considered value of grant of theoretical knowledge to the students-designers from discipline "Physical education" for activation of cognitive activity. Attitude toward discipline "Physical education" only as to the means of forming and perfection of motive abilities, skills, physical capabilities, does not assist the effective forming of integral personality of student and realized attitude toward "Physical education" as to the value. One of main factors in this process there is forming of intellection of students in relation to essence of "Physical education", that maybe on the basis of theoretical knowledge seizing at the level of their application in athletic activity At a construction studies after the above-mentioned paradigm are produced decision of such important tasks, as forming for the students of thorough and complete enough knowledge about the bodily condition and ways of his improvement, and also education of interests, necessities that orient a man on the healthy way of life, on independent purposeful activity from perfection of own body. In research these testing of students-designers of 1-th course is used from theoretical knowledge. To the students it offered to answer 40 questions that were conditionally divided into blocks : theory and methodology of "Physical education"; socialbiological bases of physical culture and principles of the sport training. Undertaken a study testifies to insufficient educationally-pedagogical activity in the orientation of студентів-дидайнерів on the social and individual value of theoretical knowledge of physical culture, her importance for strengthening of health and own selfperfection. Pedagogical tasks, that is worked out in a test form allowed not only to get the objective estimations of level of knowledge, abilities and skills of students-designers from bases of athletic activity but also educe problems that arose up at mastering of on-line tutorial students from discipline "Physical education". Deepening of theoretical and methodical soil of course is "Physical education" in higher education scoolls, will give possibility to the students-designers consciously to behave to practical employments after Physical education and changes of own physical standard, to aspire to self-perfection, promote the personal interest and motivation to engaging in physical exercises.