В статті представлено обґрунтування методики проведення навчальних занять з фізичного виховання вправами з гирями зі студентами з низьким рівнем здоров’я та фізичної підготовленості. Навчальний процес з такими студентами враховує педагогічні умови формування власного потенціалу кожного студента, активізує їх фізкультурнооздоровчу діяльність. Доведено високу ефективність впровадження вправ з гирями в навчальний процес, що підтвердило високий приріст всіх показників фізичної підготовленості студентів (Р 0,05 – 0,001), що мали низький вихідний рівень фізичної підготовленості та поганий стан здоров’я.
The article substantiates the methodology of conducting physical education classes in weight exercises for students with low levels of health and physical fitness. The educational process takes into account the pedagogical conditions of the formation of each student's own potential, activates their fitness and health activities. It was established that the main influence mechanisms of weight exercises are tonic, trophic, the formation of compensations, and normalization of the functions of an organism. The normalization of the functions of a weak organism occurs under the influence of constantly increasing physical activity, as a result of which regulatory processes in organs and systems are gradually improved. The purpose of the article is to reveal and substantiate the features of conducting weight training sessions for students with low levels of physical fitness and poor health. It was found that the low level of the students’ physical fitness is characterized by small amounts of physical activity, accompanied by a short-term activity of anaerobic mechanisms of the energy supply of muscular activity, insecurity, depression, adaptive discomfort, deterioration of recovery processes during physical and mental load, satisfactory performance of the cardiovascular system, which in general has a negative impact on educational activities. The high efficiency of introducing the exercises with weights in the educational process was proved, which confirmed a high increase in all the indicators of the physical fitness of the students (Р < 0,05 – 0,001), who had a low initial level of physical fitness and poor health.