У статті наголошено на потребі в забезпеченні закладів загальної середньої освіти з інклюзивною формою навчання такими шкільними підручниками, які б за своїм змістом і структурою відповідали потребам, інтересам, індивідуальним особливостям і можливостям кожного учня, у тому числі – з інтелектуальними порушеннями. У ході розгляду змін функцій сучасного шкільного підручника як відповіді на реформування освітнього процесу в бік інклюзії увагу загострено на необхідності переорієнтації сучасного підручника в інклюзивному освітньому просторі як виключно джерела інформації на роль чинника інтелектуального розвитку учнів відповідно до їхніх потреб і можливостей.
In the light of educational reform in Ukraine on the way to European values of equality and nondiscrimination, general secondary education institutions with an inclusive form of education should receive educational materials that meet the needs, interests, individual characteristics and capabilities of each student, including students with intellectual disabilities. The functions of differentiated and
individualized teaching of a modern textbook indicate the need to reconsider the role of the school
textbook in an inclusive educational space. Yes, it should not be exclusively a source of information, it
should be a factor in the intellectual development of students according to their needs and abilities.
Accordingly, the school textbook in content, form and design should be a projection not only of
scientific knowledge, but also the basic laws of intellectual development of the individual in the learning
process. The article considers the main requirements for the textbook for students with intellectual
disabilities. These students are characterized by a slowdown in the speed of receiving and processing
information; general decrease in mental activity and, as a consequence, narrowing of a stock of
knowledge and representations about the world around and about itself; speech disorders,
communication difficulties; insufficiency of verbal mediation of activity, inconsistency of figurative and
verbal spheres of psyche, etc. Adherence to the methodological requirements for the school textbook for
students with intellectual disabilities involves the compliance of materials with the age characteristics of
students in terms of content, emotional impact; clear structural division and graphical selection of
conclusions, key provisions, key concepts, etc .; a sufficient number of illustrations that facilitate the
perception, understanding and memorization of educational material, conveniently located and
associated with the text; inclusion of tasks that stimulate the development of a certain degree of
independence in solving problems, the formation of skills to use the stock of available knowledge. All
these requirements are met when selecting verbal material (articles, exercises, examples) for
explanation, consolidation, repetition of educational material, methodological apparatus (rules,
instructions, tasks, questions), illustrations (drawings, photographs, graphs, etc.)