Дисертація присвячена комплексному аналізу українських фразеологічних
одиниць з демінутивним та аугментативним компонентом. У роботі визначено
роль різних типів демінутивів та аугментативів у створенні переносних значень
фразеологізмів. На основі аналізу і класифікації стійких зворотів із демінутивним
та аугментативним компонентом змодельовано їх основні семантичні, семантико-
граматичні та структурно-граматичні типи, визначено специфіку цього
фразеологічного корпусу щодо піших фразеологічних мікросистем.
У роботі аналізуються узуальні та оказіональні фразеологічні одиниці з
демінутивним та аугментативним компонентом в аспекті контекстуальної
реалізації на матеріалі творів М. Стельмаха, О. Гончара, Є. Гуцала,
П. Загребельного, Г. Тютюнника, О. Сизоненка, В. Шевчука. Запропоновано
класифікацію основних способів трансформацій досліджуваних фразеологізмів у
художніх текстах.
The dissertation is devoted to the complex analysis of Ukrainian phraseological units
with the deminutive and augmentative components. The role of various types of
deminutives and augmentatives in making metaphorical notions of phraseological units has
been defined, semantic-grammatical, structural-grammatical systematizations of authentic
material have been done.
Semantic distribution and syntactic functions of phraseological units in sentence
depend on their semantic-grammatical peculiarities. In the dissertation five semanticgrammatical
classes of phraseological units with the deminutive and augmentative
components: substantive, adjective, adverbial, verbal and interjective are separated.
The analysis and classification of phraseological units with deminutive and
augmentative components made it possible to model their major semantic, semanticgrammatical
and structural-grammatical types and to define the specific features of this
phraseological body at the background of all others.
The work is also dedicated to the investigation and description of the complex
ways of phraseological units (PU) function in fiction texts. Two ways in which
phraseological units are used in artistic speech of O. Hontchar, H. Tyutyunnyk,
P. Zahrebelniy, Y. Hutsalo, V. Shevchuk, M. Stelmakh, O. Syzonenko are determined
on the basis of some factual material: 1) usual usage of phraseological units. Such PUs
are classified by synonymic terms: panlingual, traditional, codified; 2) occasional usage
of PU: transformation of combinability, semantics, form, structure. The positional factor of
PU plays an important role in a narrow context. The preposition, interposition and
postposition of PU concerning a narrow context have been fixed. Usual occasional PU
make the author’s language more lively, and they are one of the methods used to give
speech characterization of the characters in a work of fiction.
Two main groups of transformations of PU (semantic and structural-semantic) are
singled out in the work. It was determined that one of the main features of PU - semantic
stability - is a relative feature. Semantic play on the potential lexical meanings of PU
components in the specially created situational contextual conditions is based on the
constant feature of PU - making their separate form. In V. Shevchuk’s, M. Stelmakh’s,
O. Hontchar’s works of fiction two types of PU semantic transformation (semantic proper
and the phenomenon of dual actualization) have been revealed.
The material confirms that semantically transformed PUs always tit logically the
contexts of the author’s fiction works being guided by their general language usage.
It was stated that structurally semantic transformation of PU is determined by the
change in grammar fonns of PU components, lexical substitution of their components,
deviation from the traditional number of PU components. It is emphasized that the
principle of contraction of PU component composition may be the basis of ellipsis,
allusion, contamination in PUs. Broadening of PU component composition causes
structurally semantic occasional changes in a phraseological unit, but not the appearance of
a new PU, giving its image a more concrete expression. Phraseological ellipsis is one of the
widely spread kinds of structurally semantic changes in PU in O. Hontchar’s and
M. Stelmakh’s fiction. There are two definitely different kinds of ellipsis - ellipsiscontraction,
ellipsis-compression. Ellipsized PU should be regarded as the author’s special
stylistic individual method, caused by the author’s search for the necessary stylistic
expressiveness: laconism, dynamism, strengthening of the utterance expressiveness. With
phraseological allusion only the contents or the general image of a PIJ is used, while the
entity of the unit doesn’t exist. To apprehend exactly the context and its aesthetic qualities
one should know the traditional PU. A transformed PU in a specially organized context
provokes an association with a traditional PU in a reader’s consciousness.
Contamination of a PU is regarded as a combination of two or several PUs in one
expression. In O. Hontchar’s and V. Shevchuk’s works of fiction PU contamination based
on the semantic proximity and contamination of PUs different in meaning have been found.
A contaminated PU combines in itself the meanings of the mixed PUs and thus it is
functionally restricted, because it can be used only in a certain context with a certain
stylistic purpose. Inversion, parcellation, distant positioning of components as for syntactic
transformations of PU have been analyzed.
The researched material allows to single out some combined ways of occasional
changes of a PU in works of fiction by O. Hontchar, H. Tyutyunnyk, Y. Hutsalo,
P. Zahrebelniy, V. Shevchuk, M. Stelmakh and O. Syzonenko: 1) complex substitution of
components; 2) complex inversion of PU; 3) complex transformation of PU based on
distant positioning of components; 4) complex contamination of PU.
The stylistic effect of the combined way of PU transformations is achieved by
accumulation of stylistic effects of corresponding simple occasional changes.
Диссертация посвящена комплексному анализу украинских фразеологических единиц с деминутивным и аугментативным компонентом. В работе определена роль разных типов деминутивов и аугментативов в создании переносных значений фразеологизмов. На основе анализа и классификации фразеологических единиц с деминутивным и аугментативным компонентом смоделированы их основные семантические, семантико-грамматические и структурно-грамматические типы,
определена специфика данного фразеологического корпуса относительно других
фразеологических микросистем. В работе анализируются узуальные и окказиональные фразеологические единицы с деминутивным и аугментативным компонентом в аспекте контекстуальной реализации на материале произведений М. Стельмаха, О. Гончара, Е Гуцало, П. Загребельного, Г. Тютюнника, А. Сизоненко, В. Шевчука. Предложена классификация основных способов трансформаций исследуемых фразеологизмов в художественных текстах.