Дослідження присвячене визначенню ролі музики під час тренувать. Рухова активність є невід’ємною складовою здорового способу життя, що визначається й зумовлюється сукупністю рухової діяльності людини. Фізична культура, відгукуючись на виклики часу, розробляє нові, і модернізує традиційно існуючі засоби, форми і технології для виходу з цієї критичної ситуації.
The study focuses on determining the role of music during training. Physical activity is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, which is determined and determined by the totality of human motor activity. Physical culture, responding to the challenges of time, develops new and modernizes traditionally existing tools, forms and technologies to overcome this critical situation. The purpose. Determining the level of influence of music on performance and productivity during the training process. Find out what music is most appropriate for your workouts and when. Among the problems of suspension in the rest of the world is the decrease in the level of physical and mental health of the population. The number of illnesses is growing, which may cause psychosomatic etymology. Moreover, it is practical for all groups to reduce interest to physical culture. The physical culture, which is in the wake of the hour, the development of new and modernization in the traditional way, the formation and technology for the passage of a critical situation. Being a small part of the life of the suspension and modern science, along with the influx of foreign tendencies, it can also transform, integrate in itself those methods of the other sciences. It is especially important that it is reincarnated in the sphere of physical culture, not only by the development of theoretical and methodological foundations, but by the energies of practice. For the important, magistral employees, for the development of the physical and mental health of the population, it is closely related to the interest of the physical culture to take and take care of the general and social strata. There are a lot of possibilities for the development of buildings, maybe even for those who are physicists have the right to give a musical support for the development of specific possibilities for the development of health facilities, the organism and the psyche of training, and so that A retrospective analysis of the development and development of physical culture is overkill to bring uneasiness to the musical mystery.